Program Studi S1 Teknologi Informasi


The Information Study Program of Technology at FTIK-UTI is a study program that was established in conjunction with the establishment of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia which was established by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 44/KPT/I/2017 dated January 19, 2017.


“To become an excellent and international standard study program in Indonesia by 2030 which focuses on the areas of governance and information technology infrastructure and plays an active role in Nation Development through Education, Research and Community Service”.


  1. Providing professional, quality, creative and innovative education that excels in design, governance, and information technology infrastructure.
  2. Conducting research in the areas of governance and information technology infrastructure to support the development of science, information, and communication technology
  3. Organizing community service programs in the field of information technology to produce applied products that can be used to improve community welfare
  4. Developing human resources and quality study programs through collaboration with various institutions in domestic and foreign



  1. Producing graduates who can compete in the world of work and are skilled, independent, creative, and innovative in governance and quality information technology infrastructure.
  2. Producing graduates who can develop their potential to meet market needs or to build their own business
  3. Producing graduates who play an active role in information technology to support nation development through quality education, research, and community service.

Curriculum of Information Technology Study Program

The compulsory and elective courses of the Study Program of S1 Information Technology, are described as the ideal path taken by students. This course structure is elaborated into semesters which are described as follows. The curriculum map of the Study Program of S1 Information Technology can be seen in the following diagram:


Berikut pemetaan matakuliah pada kurikulum S1 Teknologi Informasi dalam tiap semester:


1. Mata Kuliah Semester 1

2. Mata Kuliah Semester 2

3. Mata Kuliah Semester 3

4.Mata Kuliah Semester 4

5. Mata Kuliah Semester 5

6. Mata Kuliah Semester 6

7. Mata Kuliah Semester 7

8. Mata Kuliah Semester 8


Program Educational Objectives

The principal engineering values are officially expressed as Program Educational Objectives (PEOs). These principal values are formulated in accordance with the visions and missions of the university, the faculty of engineering and the electrical engineering study program. The formulation of these principal values generally takes the advice of the user, advisory board, alumni, and professional associations into account. The PEOs are composed of the following important keywords:

  1. Competence
  2. Leadership and work ethic
  3. Professionalism
  4. Communication and lifelong learning

The PEOs, which are formulated according to all visions and missions from the university level to the study program level, must become the living manifestation of all graduates and alumni. Based on the aforementioned four important keywords, we formulate our PEO as follows.

We expect our graduates to:

PEO1 (character): Having a good spirit of leadership, high standard ethics, and lifelong learning to maintain excellence in innovation.

PEO2 (career): Be successful in a technical or professional career characterized by having integrity in the aspect of electrical engineering competency or related field by fulfilling professionalism, effective communication, and universal value of humanity.


The learning outcomes of graduates of the Study Program of Information Technology, which are sourced from independent professional profiles. Graduate learning outcomes illustrate that graduates have the skills to analyze, design, implement, integrate, evaluate computer-based systems, including aspects of computer/ cyber security and the ability to continue to learn and adapt to rapid technological change. In accordance with SKKNI and APTIKOM, Graduate Learning Outcomes must contain aspects of Attitude, General Skills (KU), Knowledge and Special Skills (KK). The complete description of the learning outcomes of Study Program of Information Technology graduates that have been determined is:

Profil Lulusan Program Studi Teknik Elektro


The profiles of graduates of the Information Technology Study Program are:

  1. Graduates are able to compete in the world of work and are skilled, independent, creative and innovative in using computational knowledge to analyze, design, implement, integrate, and evaluate computational problems and provide solutions with appropriate information technology approaches including computer / cyber security aspects.
  2. Graduates who are able to play an active role in supporting national development through research, education and community service activities in the fields of computing and computer/cyber security.
  3. Graduates who are able to develop their potential to fulfill market needs or to build their own business.

Graduates of the Information Technology Study Program have the opportunity to have a profession, namely:

Dr. Heni Sulistiani, M.Kom.

Syaiful Ahdan, S.Kom., M.T.

Jupriyadi, S.Kom., M.T.

Adi Sucipto, S.Kom., M.T.

Donaya Pasha, M.Kom.


Universitas Teknokrat Melatih Siswa Ekstrakurikuler Olahraga di SMAN 1 Pringsewu
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Gelar PkM Daring Bersama Komunitas Odapus Lampung
Rektor Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Serahkan Cenderamata ke Menko PMK Usai FRI Teken MoU
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia kampus Terbaik di Lampung Bekerjasama dengan Alumni Indiana University Pembelajaran Daring di Perguruan Tinggi


Dosen Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Juara Lomba Apresiasi Anugerah IPTEK 2020
Luar Biasa! Tiga Tim Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Juara Nasional Sebelas Maret Statistic Fair 2020


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